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About Us

Having been established since 1987, we know that choosing a pre-school for your child can be one of the most difficult decisions any parent / carer can make. Your child's early years are a time of discovery, learning new skills, growth and becoming more independent, and any parent wants their child to be in an environment that is safe, fun and stimulating.


Here at Rub-A-Dub we like to think we provide an environment where your child is encouraged to discover and learn, a place where children have fun and provide a sense of belonging to their community.

" Staff are caring, thoughtful and nurture the children well. Children grow in confidence and become enthusiastic young learners who behave well. Staff take time to get to know each child and children develop a good sense of belonging. Children's health and care needs are clearly understood and they are well looked after." Source:

Each child will be allocated a keyperson whose role is to ensure that your child's care and learning is tailored to meet their individual needs. They will help your child settle into Rub-A-Dub, building a relationship with them and their family. They will engage and support parents and /or carers in guiding their child's development at home. Regular meetings will take place with the keyperson and parents to discuss their child's development and achievements.


We are based at the Lansdowne Village Hall in the centre of Derry Hill, and are located in the ‘New Meeting Room’ (extended in 2017) which is a self-contained room with its own secure access. We have access to the garden and play equipment as well as an extensive selection of our own outdoor toys. 

Our Community

Rub-A-Dub is very proud to have close links with our local school and church. We like to get involved with as many local events as possible within our own immediate community such as the Church Christmas Bazaar and Derry Hill & Studley Summer fete. We also like to take as many opportunities as possible to get involved with our wider community both locally and nationally. We have been involved in making lanterns for the Calne Lantern parade and hosting a cake bake for the National Deaf Children’s Society.

Local school links

Over the years we have developed close links with Derry Hill C of E Primary School.  Many, but not all, children who attend Rub-A-Dub go on to attend Derry Hill school. The school and village hall are neighbours and have the advantage of a large car park at the hall. Therefore making it easy to drop off and collect your children from both Rub-A-Dub and the school on time. 

Whilst we do have close links with Derry Hill, we also work closely with all local primary schools. We have many more children going on to  attend schools in Calne and Chippenham and we ensure that we support the children transitioning to ALL primary schools. Our Rising Stars session helps prepare all our children moving on to primary schools as it focuses on those skills Reception Teachers appreciate, for example being able to change for PE independently, taking their own coats on and off as well as being able to go to the toilet on their own! 

Our links with Christ Church 

Throughout the year Rub-A-Dub holds short services at Christ Church Derry Hill, for example Mothering Sunday. We also often have our Nativity Play in the church. However, this close link does not mean that we do not embrace other cultures with the children:


You, the parent / carer

Rub-A-Dub recognises parents/carers as the first and most important educators of their young children. As a charity, Rub-A-Dub likes to involve parents as much as possible, whilst recognising the pressures of modern life and working.


 "Staff have developed strong and trusting relationships with parents. Daily communication between staff and parents helps to provide a consistent approach in supporting children's care and learning. "Source:

There are many ways you may want to get involved with Rub-A-Dub; volunteering for the Committee, help fundraising, baking (& buying!) cakes to help raise funds! Many parents find volunteering a great way of getting to know others in their own community and many make new friendships themselves!

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